Improve Mental Health and Physical Health

Transform Your Mind

You become what you do everyday

  1. Every hour write down on a paper what you want
  2. Accept offers that will give you what you want
  3. Reject offers that will not give you what you want
  4. Learn from other people’s negative experiences
  5. Prepare for the worst and the best that can happen
  6. Focus on opportunities instead of difficulties
  7. Delay your gratification to get what you want
  1. Ignore your impulses to get what you want
  2. Make logical decisions to get what you want
  3. Stop overreacting to get what you want
  4. Ignore distractions to get what you want
  5. Remain calm under pressure to get what you want
  6. Take initiative to get what you want
  7. Face the challenges head-on to get what you want
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